Read this interesting article about how you approach your homework and how that ties in to your personality types: http://educationaladvancement.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/doing-homework-the-wrong-way/.
Leave a comment about your “a-ha”.
Read this interesting article about how you approach your homework and how that ties in to your personality types: http://educationaladvancement.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/doing-homework-the-wrong-way/.
Leave a comment about your “a-ha”.
The Scarlet Pimpernel: http://www.scarletpimpernel.com/ (read it online and hear it in audio).
Tale of Two Cities — “Reader’s Review” from the Diane Rehm Show: http://thedianerehmshow.org/shows/2010-10-20/readers-review-charles-dickens-tale-two-cities
The Scarlet Pimpernel Venn-Diagram: TSP Venn Diagram
It’s that time of year when parents and students are thinking about Destination ImagiNation teams. If you and your student are interested in forming a team, come learn about how to get involved. DI is the world’s largest creative problem solving program for students. It is an extracurricular and academic activity for students to learn and experience the creative process of thinking and doing.
Please see the attached flier for dates, times, and location.
You may also contact Ms. Sunita Patel at 972-897-7864 or by email SUNITAPATEL5@YAHOO.COM.
For program overview, please visit www.destinationimagination.org
For 7th grade students and their sponsors |
14th Annual Gifted Girls Conference
The conference registration fee per person is $45. The registration fee for students who are eligible for the free or reduced-price lunch program is $10. Each teacher who registers five students per conference will receive a free registration. |
For more information, Call 214-768-0123, Or email gifted@smu.edu |
To remove your name from our mailing list, please click here. Email us at gifted@smu.edu or call 214-768-0123 |
Julie B. Martin
Coordinator of Gifted and Talented
Frisco ISD
Parent Resources for the Gifted Child
Frisco Sage: SAGE is the acronym for Special And Gifted Education. Frisco SAGE is a committee of the Frisco Council of PTA’s, and we endeavor to provide education and support to families of diverse learners. SAGE Flowchart
Cindy Badon, Frisco ISD SAGE Chair
Email: friscosage@gmail.com
Metroplex Math Circle @ UTD
FISD PSAT/SAT Information:
“Frisco Independent School District is excited to announce a partnership with The Princeton Review; as a Princeton Review Partner, ALL Frisco ISD students will receive a great discount off the SAT and ACT courses as well as the PSAT Clinics. These courses will run throughout the year and will be exclusive to Frisco ISD students. For more information, please go to the website: http://www.friscoisd.org/ly/schools/CTE/SATACTPSATPrep.htm
Arts and Technology Institute
A few technology teachers from FISD left last year to open their own after-school technology enrichment institute. For more information visit their website: http://www.myati.org/.
Exquisite Minds: Gifted and Creative Children: Exquisite Minds believes in the importance of cultivating creativity in bright and gifted children. We believe creativity can solve almost any problem; rather than why something can’t be done, it’s how it can be done. Exquisite Minds offers support to parents and educators who want to challenge children to find new and constructive ways to look at the world.
The Creativity Network is requesting submissions for the pre-conference newsletter. Book reviews, articles, and a new Student Corner – submissions of stories, poems, artwork – anything by students!
If you would like to submit an item for the newsletter, please send it to editors Patti & Rick Shade at patti.shade@gmail.com no later than September 13.