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Category Archives: EdTech
How-to Work in and with Google Docs
If you are having difficulty navigating your way through Google Docs, review these video tutorials.
Google Docs Tour: http://www.google.com/google-d-s/intl/en/tour1.html
“A new multi-touch puzzle game for the iPad and iPhone is about form, not function—and it’s about to become a status symbol…Hundreds, a new, well-reviewed, physics-based puzzle game for iPhones and iPads, is cool. Like all cool things, it makes you cool by being near it, by operating it.”
Blogs and Twitter
Get ready to blog and tweet in full-force this semester! Reread the blogging protocol before Friday. After Friday, everyone’s blog will be connected to this blog site.
LTs: I can…
…enhance my communication skills through blogging.
…create opportunities for deeper connections to my classroom learning.
…connect and reflect on my classroom learning through real-world connections.
Blogs: You will need to use the “student” blog that you created through www.edublogs.org. This should be different from the “personal” blog that many of you created.
Twitter: We will create this on Friday.
Using QR Codes in Education
Cool Tool
“PicMonkey is a wonderful photo editing tool that is fun, full-featured, and easy to use. Picking up where tools that have disappeared left off (Picnik) this one allows users to just get to work without signing up or entering an Email. There are lots of filters, effects, and tools to enhance a photo from a number of galleries online or using an uploaded image. PicMonkey is truly a breath of fresh air with a clean interface that begs for a user to unleash their imagination. PicMonkey can be used for the obvious art purposes, but can also be woven into many other areas of the curriculum – editing a map, working with manipulatives for math, and much more.” (http://www.edutecher.net/links.php?id=1519)
Mario Armstrong’s Apps to keep kids learning over the summer
Posted: 06:51 AM ET
– about 150,000 videos are watched everyday by students to help them with a variety of subjects
– covers K-12 math, science topics such as biology, chemistry, and physics, and even reaches into the humanities with playlists on finance and history.
– every single problem can be broken down, step-by-step, with one click. If you need more help, you can always watch a related video.
– get badges as rewards, some students spend hour after hour watching physics videos to earn Khan Academy badges.
2. Brainpop:
– creates animated, curriculum-based content
– include movies, quizzes, experiments, timelines, activity pages for hundreds of topics
– content is aligned to academic standards
3. PBS’s Word World – awesome word game for young kids
– targeted to 3-7-year-olds
– based off the highly successful PBS show Word World
– kids try to spell words and then squeeze them to reveal the shape of the word
A good site to find apps and resources is: eduTeacher.net
Simply Amazing – A Story of Global Connections Through Blogging
by Ronnie Burt
One of the best parts about working at Edublogs is seeing daily all of the amazing learning experiences of students through blogging.
We regularly try to share these examples on our Facebook and Twitter pages, but this one in particular seemed worthy of a bit more.
Six teachers, from six different corners of the world, have collaborated together and co-created the Our World, Our Stories project blog.
You can learn more about all of the details on the about page here.