Tangerine and Differential Parenting

In Tangerine, we are exposed to the dynamics of the Fisher family. Early on, we see that the relationship between Paul and his family is strained at best.

Lat night, I read the following article: http://www.sciencecodex.com/differential_parenting_found_to_affect_whole_family-106682 about the effects of differential parenting. As your teacher, being able to tie-in real world experiences and research to fiction is always exciting because you’re able to see how your learning goes beyond the classroom.

1. Read the article. If you want to print this out and put this in your 7C tab, please do.
2. In your IRN, create a dialectical journal organizer (with a twist) — See below
3. Use the left hand column to record at least three quotations that affected you. Be sure to properly quote and punctuate.
4. Use the right hand column to record your thoughts, reactions, and connections to the novel (i. e., Paul, Erik).  In the bottom rectangle, write down the impact on Paul and other family member so far (based on your understanding of the article) and your predictions about any future impact (Part 3).
5. Be prepared to share-aloud on Wednesday.



Tangerine and Sinkholes

SB, 3.14

1. Research information about sinkholes for clearer understanding.
2. Search, find, and read a true report of an amazing rescue and record your findings on pg. 193, SB. If you do not find any interesting or amazing reports through your independent search, you can read a true report by clicking here.
3. Complete the assignment on p. 194, SB.

Stretch Your Thinking: Reread the entries dated September 9 and September 11. What is Paul’s self-concept according to the information from September 9 (at this point in the novel)? Think about the juxtaposition of Paul’s self-concept and the event on September 11. How are the two connected?

“In literature, juxtaposition is a literary device wherein the author places a person, concept, place, idea or theme parallel to another. The purpose of juxtaposing two directly/indirectly related entities close together in literature is to highlight the contrast between the two and compare them. This literary device is usually used for etching out a character in detail, creating suspense or lending a rhetorical effect.”  (literary-devices.com)

Q3/IW3 – Sentence Revisions


  • Title your assignment as you would any IW day.
  • Choose the IW that you want to revisit to revise from start to finish. Choose one that has 5-7 sentences.
  • Write the title of  the IW that you will revise on your notebook paper (For example: Q1/IW3)
  • Number the sentences in the original IW.

7th Grade: Sentence Revision Directions:
1. Write the original sentence.
2. Identify the parts of sentence above the word(s).      — Level 2
3. Identify the phrases with ( ).      — Level 3
4. Identify the clauses by underlining IC  & putting brackets around [ DC].      — Level 4

6th Grade: Sentence Revision Directions:
1. Write the original sentence.
2. Identify the parts of sentence above the word(s).     — Level 2
3. Identify the prepositional phrases with ( ).     

4. Revise the original sentence so that the subject and predicate are clear. Use the Active voice verb tense as much as possible. Make sure that your DOs, IOs, and SCs are clear. Use Nouns and verbs that are “powerful”.

                    S      LVP  SC-PA              SC-PA

S1: The kids are tall and skinny, (with glasses.)
