Good to Great Sentences

A mentor of mine once told me, “If you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse.” This stems from our having studied and implemented the philosophy of Jim Collins’ book Good to Great.  I’m always looking for ways to make improving yourself and your learning better or more meaningful, so I’ve come up with “Good to Great” Sentences. 

“Good to Great” Sentences

Learning Targets: I can…
create good, solid foundation sentences that contain the following parts:
       Subject – Action Verb Predicate – (Indirect Object) – Direct Object – (Object Complement)
       Subject – Linking Verb Predicate – Subject Complement (Predicate Nominative
       or Predicate Adjective).
enhance and manipulate syntax and maintain clarity when I incorporate phrases and clauses.

Foundation Sentence #1:  S – AVP – (IO) – DO – (OC)
L2: Create or rewrite a L2 sentence from previous writing assignments. Incorporate and be deliberate about the nouns and verbs (and adjectives) that you use. Focus on using powerful nouns and verbs before using vivid adjectives.
L3/4: Enhance and/or manipulate your L2 sentence by incorporating phrases and clauses. Be sure to maintain clarity.

Foundation Sentence #2:  S – LVP – SC (PN or PA)
L2: Create or rewrite a L2 sentence from previous writing assignments. Incorporate and be deliberate about the nouns and verbs (and adjectives) that you use. Focus on using powerful nouns and appropriate verbs before using vivid adjectives.
L3: Enhance and/or manipulate your L2 sentence by incorporating phrases and clauses. Be sure to maintain clarity.

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