Grade 7: IW/Grammar

Materials:     IW #1 and Handout-Verb Diagram


1. Number the squares on the handout 1-12 (horizontally – by rows)

2. Number the sentences in your IW.

3. Rewrite your sentences changing only the verb tense.

  • For example: Sentence #1 of your IW will be revised to have a simple present verb tense.

4. Number your work this way:

  • 1.1 (1st IW sentence.1st verb tense)
  • 2.2 (2nd IW. 2nd VT)
  • 3.3
  • 4.4

If you run out of IW sentences, start over with the first one:

  • 1.5 (1st IW.5th VT)
  • 2.6

5. Underline/Highlight the verb tenses

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